Sweet Renee--

I think about you every day. I miss your smile, your cute little laugh, and your sweet kisses. Mostly I miss you wrapping your little arms around me and squeezing so hard saying “I love you so much Nana” every night when I tucked you in a bedtime.

We had so much fun going to ballet classes every week. You were so cute and funny when you were three and wore a duck outfit for recital with feathers on your head and bottom. Then last year you wore a purple outfit with a striped skirt. I took video pictures of you on stage.

Every summer we spent almost every day at the pool. I let you take swim lessons when you were three and four. You would have completed your lessons this year. It makes me sad that you probably won't get to finish your lessons.

You are my precious little granddaughter and every single day Grandaddy and I miss you. I am sorry you don't get to see your Mommy much. You know I love your Mommy and I know you do to even if she did hurt our feelings so many times. I am happy you live with your Daddy now because he is a good man. Still, I wish we could see you more often It was nice to see you at Christmas. I hope your Daddy lets you come lots more. You lived with Nana and Grandaddy for a long time.

Sometimes when I think about you I cry because I miss you. Most of the time when I think about you I smile because you make me so happy.

Here is an Irish Blessing for you just in time for March:

         May you always have….

          A Sunbeam to warm you,

         Good luck to charm you,

         And a sheltering angel

         So nothing can harm you.

         Laughter to cheer you,

         Faithful friends near you,

         And whenever you pray….

         Heaven to hear you.

Always be sweet and lovely like you are Renee.

 We Love You So Much,

     Nana and Grandadddy 
